
UK retail goes for imported pork

British retailers are at risk of getting a new scandal similar to the one that broke out around the horse, found in beef products.

British retailers are at risk of getting a new scandal similar to the one that broke out around the horse, found in beef products.

probability of a new scandal caused by the continued promotion of imported pork in the UK market, has warned the UK National Association of Pig Producers (NPA).

NPA members meet regularly check the shelves of supermarkets and control the procurement of industrial pork. Inspections have shown that today the British retail chains selling pork, bacon and ham imported, because these products are a little cheaper.

In one case, representatives of the NPA found that the transaction is 10,000 British pigs was abolished in favor of imported products.

Chapter NPA Zoe Davies says that in doing so, British retailers are laying the foundation for the next scandal around the quality and safety of food. Similar to that which erupted after the discovery of horse meat in beef products.

«In the aftermath of the scandal representatives of retailers said about short supply chains and greater openness. Now we see that retailers abandon this policy and on its promises - says Dr. Davis - It's frustrating, because retailers do not want to buy British-made products, the safety and quality of which is publicly acknowledged. Retailers back to the pursuit of profit. "

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