
Scientific outreach session of the RAAS in Belgorod

From 9 to 12 July in Belgorod worked Scientific outreach session of Agricultural Sciences' Scientific support for the introduction of modern technologies in agricultural production. "

From 9 to 12 July in Belgorod worked Scientific outreach session of Agricultural Sciences' Scientific support for the introduction of modern technologies in agricultural production. "

At the plenary session of the Presidium of the President of the RAAS, GA Romanenko said that "the intensification of agricultural production is not possible without the use of scientific and technological progress, and above all without the introduction of effective modern, innovative resource-saving technologies."

New requirements for scientists today are presented in the livestock industry. In modern terms a "key becomes the efficacy and safety of products," said the first vice-president of the Academy VI Fisinin. Farmed animals must have "good health and well-developed immune system, good adaptation to modern production techniques, high reproductive qualities and long-term productive use, and efficient conversion of nutrients and feed energy." The achievement of these goals was aiming for geneticists and breeders offices Animal Science, Veterinary Medicine and Russian universities.

Under the leadership of the Vice-President of the Academy VI Fisinin, vice-presidents IV Savchenko and AL Ivanov held three scientific sections. The section on animal called "Intensive livestock production technologies». Here

discussed the modern breeding methods in animal husbandry, scientific support for the development of domestic beef cattle, providing veterinary welfare of the livestock industry, the introduction of innovative developments in animal husbandry.

a report on the implementation of the targets of Livestock Development State Program of Development of Agriculture of the Russian Federation for 2013-2020, the Director of the Department of Animal Husbandry and Breeding Ministry of Agriculture of Russia Vladimir Labinov.

According to the speaker, for 2008-2012, an increase of production of livestock and poultry for slaughter in live weight was 2.3 million tons. During the same period entered, renovated and modernized facilities for 1308 dairy cattle, 378 swine breeding facilities, 372 facility for the production of cattle for slaughter, 264 object on meat poultry.

for livestock development and the achievement of the targets of the State program of agricultural development committee for the selection of economically important regional programs in 2013 selected 126 programs for the development of animal husbandry.

In accordance with the "main activities of the Government of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2018," the proportion of domestic livestock production in total resources for 2018 will amount to meat and meat products is not less than 86%, milk and dairy products at least 85%.

Sources: Department of Animal Husbandry and Breeding, Internet portal of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation , ,

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